Product Details
Photo Reflective Infrared Sensor

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This device consists of an infrared emitting diode and an NPN silicon phototransistor mounted side by side on parallel axes in a black plastic housing.Both emitting diode and phototransistor are 
moulded in infrared
transmissive plastic, which reduces ambient light noise. 
The phototransistor responds to radiation from the LED only when a reflective object passes within its field of view. 
Absolute maximum ratings 
IR LED ratings: 
Forward DC current: 50mA
Peak forward current: 3· 0A (Pulse width
1╡s, 300pps)
Reverse voltage: 2· 0V
Power dissipation: 75mW
Phototransistor ratings: 
Collector-emitter voltage: 30V
Emitter-collector voltage: 5V
Collector current: 25mA
Power dissipation: 75mW
Electrical characteristics 
IR LED ratings: 
Forward voltage: 1· 7V, IF = 20mA
Reverse current: 100╡A,VF = 2V
Phototransistor ratings: 
Dark current: 100nA, VCE = 5V
On-state current: 350╡A (min) 700╡A (typ)
IF = 20mA, VCE = 5V,
d* = 1· 27mm
Saturation voltage: 0· 4V
IF = 20mA, IC = 100╡A,
d* = 1· 27mm
*Note: d = distance of reflective surface from sensor.